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Chart and Diagram Slides
for PowerPoint
Volume 14 Gallery

CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides Gallery Vol. 15
CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint Vol. 14 is a collection of 100 professionally enhanced data-driven charts and editable diagrams that are ready for you to use in your PowerPoint presentations the moment you need them.
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PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide is a half Doughnut containing 3 elements.
Doughnut Diagram
3 Circles - multicolor - 771-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows how each process leads to the other.
Process Arrow Diagram
3 Circles - multicolor - 772-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide contains a diagram of Converging Arrows.  In addition, it shows 5 aspects, parts or elements of the central topic.
Converging Arrows Diagram
6 Spheres - multicolor - 773-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide is ideal to represent a process flow.
Process List Diagram
4 Steps - blue - 774-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows three vertical process lists.
Process List Diagram
Vertical - 3 Blocks - multicolor - 775-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows an image of a bead that signifies company
Curved List Diagram
Vertical - Subtext - 5 Lists - blue - 701-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows the text bars used in a list or agenda. This slide is best suited for a bullet point and shadow style presentation.
Curved List Diagram
Vertical - 5 Lists - blue - 702-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram shows a circular process with 2 arrows. Useful to represent opposing ideas or forces.
Opposing Ideas Diagram
2 Circles - blue-green - 703-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram shows a circular process with 3 arrows. Useful to represent process analysis.
Cycle Diagram
3 Circles - multicolor - 704-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows two different opinions, and how they can overlap.
Venn Diagram
2 Circles - blue-green - 705-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide is a linear Venn diagram, with 4 interlocking circles.
Linear Venn Diagram
4 Circles - blue - 706-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows factors and how they cooperate to make a result.
Funnel Diagram
2 Circles - blue-green - 707-1
PowerPoint Slide - This is a PowerPoint diagram slide. The numbered list is a good alternative to a stylish bar list.
Numbered List Diagram
Vertical - 2 Blocks - blue-green - 708-1
PowerPoint Slide - This is a PowerPoint diagram slide. The numbered list is a good alternative to a stylish bar list.
Numbered List Diagram
Vertical - 3 Blocks - blue-green - 709-1
PowerPoint Slide - This is a PowerPoint diagram slide. The numbered list is a good alternative to a stylish bar list.  The inner lists are bulleted.
Bullet List Diagram
Vertical - 2 Lists - blue-green - 710-1
PowerPoint Slide - This is a PowerPoint diagram slide. The numbered list is a good alternative to a stylish bar list.
Bullet List Diagram
Vertical - 3 Lists - blue-green - 711-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows an explanation of 2 sections or segments.
Bullet List Diagram
Horizontal - 2 Lists - blue - 712-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows an explanation of 3 sections or segments.
Bullet List Diagram
Horizontal - 3 Lists - blue-green - 713-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows an explanation of 4 sections or segments.
Block List Diagram
4 Blocks - multicolor - 714-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows an explanation of 5 sections or segments.
Block List Diagram
5 Blocks - multicolor - 715-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide is designed to include a list of items in your agenda items.
Agenda Diagram
1 Box - blue - 716-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows two different agendas.
Agenda Diagram
2 Boxes - blue-green - 717-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows three different agendas.
Agenda Diagram
3 Boxes - blue-green - 718-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows the numbered text boxes, and can be used to depict a process, a list of items or an agenda.
Numbered List Diagram
Vertical - 3 Boxes - blue-green - 719-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide is an ideal way to represent a process flow.
Process List Diagram
3 Steps - blue - 720-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide is an ideal way to represent a process flow.
Process List Diagram
5 Steps - blue - 721-1
PowerPoint Slide - This is a PowerPoint diagram slide. The creative text boxes in the style of a bookmarks offer a stylish way to enter comments.
List Diagram
Strong Labels - Vertical - blue - 722-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows stylish text boxes.
Process List Diagram
Vertical - 4 Steps - blue - 723-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows eight different agenda or list items.
Accent List Diagram
8 Items - green - 724-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram shows opposing views as text boxes with ample space.
Comparison Diagram
2 Boxes - blue - 725-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows two different lists or agendas.
Accent List Diagram
Stacked - 2 Lists - blue-green - 726-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows two different lists or agendas.
Bullet List Diagram
Horizontal - 2 Lists - blue - 727-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide has 4 stylish text boxes to explain the steps in a process.
Linear Process Diagram
4 Steps - blue - 728-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows opposing views as text boxes. The linked bars show contradicting views.
Opposing Ideas Diagram
2 Boxes - blue - 729-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows multiple causes and effects of an issue.
Caption List Diagram
9 Icons - blue-green - 730-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows multiple causes and effects of an issue.
Transformation Diagram
Icons - 3 Changes - green - 731-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide has the classic Matrix diagram. The text boxes are designed to give you enough space to write your comments on each segment.
Titled Matrix Diagram
Circular Title - blue - 732-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows simple text boxes.
Table List Diagram
4 Blocks - blue - 733-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows a list, with emphasis on one of the items.
Emphasis List Diagram
3D - 4 Items - blue - 734-1
PowerPoint Slide - This is a PowerPoint process diagram. The text boxes also have the space to insert text of your choice.
Process Diagram
4 Steps - multicolor - 735-1
PowerPoint Slide - This is a PowerPoint diagram slide. The numbered list is a good alternative to a stylish bar list.
List Diagram
4 Blue Bullets - blue - 736-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows 2 different lists or agendas, depicted as inside a pocket.
Bullet List Diagram
2 Pockets - blue - 737-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows 3 different lists or agendas, depicted as inside a pocket.
Bullet List Diagram
3 Pockets - multicolor - 738-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows stages and how they merge together toward a result or outcome.
Converging List Diagram
Upward - 3 Boxes - blue-green - 739-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide is a Organization Hierarchy Diagram.
Organization Diagram
4 Departments - blue - 740-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide is a personal profile, including a picture.
Personal Profile Diagram
1 Picture - blue - 741-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide shows a Organization Hierarchy diagram.
Organization Diagram
6 Departments - multicolor - 742-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide shows a Organization Hierarchy diagram.
Organization Diagram
8 Departments - multicolor - 743-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide shows a Organization Hierarchy diagram.
Organization Diagram
5 Departments - multicolor - 744-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide shows a Organization Hierarchy diagram.
Organization Diagram
4 Departments - blue - 745-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows 5 triangles and makes specific shape.
Comparison Diagram
5 Triangles - blue-green - 746-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram shows pyramid in conjunction with 3 text boxes.
Pyramid Diagram
7 Sections - blue - 747-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide is a Cycle Diagram with six triangles.
Cycle Diagram
Hexagon - 6 Sections - blue - 748-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows a matrix with a circular title in the center.  The slide can be used to represent various concepts.
Titled Matrix Diagram
4 Boxes - blue - 749-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram shows how each process leads to the other.
Process Diagram
3 Hexagons - blue-green - 750-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide is a Connection Diagram with gear shapes. You can add or reduce the number of processes.
Gear Diagram
4 Gears - blue-green - 751-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide is upward arrows diagram.
Arrow Diagram
Upward - 4 Arrows - multicolor - 752-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide is upward arrows diagram.
Converging Arrows Diagram
Upward - 5 Arrows - blue-green - 753-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide has upward and downward curved-arrows that can be used for process comparison.
Counterbalance Arrows Diagram
2 Arrows - blue - 754-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide has arrows that can be used for process comparison.
Diverging Arrows Diagram
4 Circles - multicolor - 755-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide has upward and downward curved-arrows that can be used for process comparison.
Process Diagram
8 steps - 2 Outcomes - blue - 756-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows factors and how they cooperate to create a result or outcome.
Result Diagram
Upward Arrow - blue-green - 757-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide is a radial diagram, with 3 spokes. It can be used to show a relationship, or a process.
Radial Diagram
3 Spokes - multicolor - 758-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide is ideal to represent three choices or options.
Radial Diagram
3 Circles - blue-green - 759-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide has 3 circles that contain text boxes. It can be used to show relationships, or to explain a process.
Linear Venn Diagram
3 Circles - blue - 760-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram shows a circular process with 4 text boxes. Useful to represent process slides or SWOT analysis.
Cycle Diagram
4 Sections - green - 761-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide shows doughnut chart that is nicely compensated by the stylish call outs.
Doughnut Diagram
4 Sections - blue-green - 762-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide is a Exploded Doughnut Chart.
Doughnut Diagram
3 Sections - blue - 763-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows opposing views as text boxes and circles.
Counterbalance Arrows Diagram
4 Objects - blue - 764-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide is a Pyramid Diagram.  It can be used to depict hierarchies or steps.
Pyramid Diagram
2 Sides - 4 Levels - blue - 765-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows a stylish radial diagram divided into 2 sides. Use it to compare or contrast items that are related.
Radial Diagram
2 Sides - 8 Spokes - blue-green - 766-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram has circles and text boxes around the big circle to represent the impact of the central message.
Converging Arrows Diagram
blue - 767-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows a linear process using circles. Below the circles are text boxes for additional details.
Linear Process Diagram
5 Circles - blue - 768-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows 4 factors that lead to an outcome. The slide is useful to represent an agenda, or a list of factors that influence a result or a goal.
Relationship Diagram
4 Circles - blue - 769-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows stylish spheres and text boxes to show how factors can funnel up to an outcome or result.
Upward Funnel Diagram
blue-green - 770-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide is ideal to represent a process flow.
Linear Process Diagram
3D - 4 Cubes - blue - 776-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide has 3 stylish text boxes.
Bullet List Diagram
9 Cubes - blue-green - 777-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint chart slide shows a 4 bar charts.  It also has circles to represent a process or a list of factors or items.  It is useful for comparison purposes.
Bar Charts
4 Charts - blue - 778-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint chart slide shows a bar chart. It is useful to represent sales figures.
Bar Chart
5 Bars - blue - 779-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint chart slide shows a arrow chart. It is useful to represent sales figures.
Arrow Chart
4 Arrows - blue - 780-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide has a data driven column chart and cell phone shape and 3 text boxes. The data is linked to Excel.
Bar Chart
in Cell phone - blue - 781-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide shows opposing views as text boxes and data driven doughnut charts .
Pie Chart
blue-green - 782-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint chart slide shows a data driven simple editable line graph.
Line Chart
multicolor - 783-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint chart slide shows a data driven simple editable radar graph.
Radar Chart
blue-red - 784-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide has data driven clustered column charts and a table. In a data driven chart the data is linked to Excel.
Column Chart
blue - 785-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide has data driven doughnut charts and clustered column chart. In a data driven chart the data is linked to Excel.
Doughnut And Column Charts
2 Doughnuts - green - 786-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide has data driven clustered column charts and text boxes. In a data driven chart the data is linked to Excel.
Column Chart
blue - 787-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide has data driven pie charts and 3 text boxes. In a data driven chart the data is linked to Excel.
Pie Chart
3 Boxes - blue-green - 788-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide includes a data driven line and clustered column chart. In a data driven chart the data is linked to Excel.
Line And Column Charts
blue-green - 789-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint chart slide shows a data driven simple editable line chart.
Line Chart
multicolor - 790-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide has data driven doughnut charts. In a data driven chart the data is linked to Excel.
Doughnut Chart
blue-green - 791-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram shows 2 data tables.
Comparison Table Diagram
2 Tables - blue-green - 792-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide has data driven doughnut ,line chart and 2 tables. In a data driven chart the data is linked to Excel.
Line And Doughnut Charts
blue - 793-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide has the data driven clustered column chart. In a data driven chart the data is linked to Excel.
Clustered Column Chart
blue - 794-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide has data driven clustered column charts and a table. In a data driven chart the data is linked to Excel.
Clustered Column Chart
3 Charts - yellow - 795-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide has the data driven bar chart and table. In a data driven chart the data is linked to Excel.
Bar Chart
with Table - blue - 796-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint chart slide shows a 2 bar charts and table. It is useful to represent sales figures.
Bar Charts
with Table - 2 Charts - blue - 797-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint slide has a data driven clustered column chart, table and a diverging radial diagram. In a data driven chart the data is linked to Excel.
Clustered Column Chart
Radial Diagram - blue - 798-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide has a data table that provides space for text and numbers.
Comparison Table Diagram
green - 799-1
PowerPoint Slide - This PowerPoint diagram slide has A - B comparison data table that provides space for text and numbers.  It has categories and subcategories.
Comparison Table Diagram
A-B - blue - 800-1
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